

Wednesday Feb 11
8:30 PM

REVIVRE (Hwajang)
D: Im Kwon taek, C: Ahn Sung ki, Kim Qyu ri, Kim Ho jung, KR 2014, 93 min., 35mm on DCP, Korean OwES – GP

Im Kwon taek, living legend of Korean cinema, doesn’t play it safe, but takes all kinds of risks in his latest (102nd) output. Featuring a magnificent leading performance by Ahn Sung ki, REVIVRE focuses on Oh Jeongseok, an old man stuck between two very different women: one is familiar, old, and, in fact, dying, the other is a new acquaintance, young, and very much alive. Life goes on – but so does desire and all the problems desire brings in its wake.

Status – carved in stone??

Status needs to be obtained. Confirmed by socio-economic, social and material means, status has a representative quality and can be verified. What relevance does status have within the realms of society, art, economy and especially film economy? Status proliferates, but as an indicator for success it also causes a constant need for increase. How this relationship might result in the limitation of freedom can be examined very well when discussing the selection principles and the public perception of major film festivals. Status demands stars and world premieres. Does status tolerate our freedom to act, does it limit innovation and creativity?


Erika Gregor und Ulrich Gregor (Initiators of Berlinale Forum, Germany)
Jin Park (Busan International Film Festival, South Korea)
Heide Schlüpmann (Critic, professor emeritus, Germany)
Moderation: Dennis Vetter and Dunja Bialas